Rich Text Element Issue

The rich text plugin seems to not be displaying initial content, nor accepting inputs. The content resets when something is pasted in, and when the enter key is pressed. Also, Initial content is not displaying

Anyone else having issues?

I have been replacing all mine because of this exact issue with ZQ RTE. It actually tripped me up Yesterday when I was working on a live page, that was weird. It was due to the RTE not showing default content. It also does not save any content in the RTE to a thing either. So pretty much a useless placeholder in its current state. It’s been a few weeks now. @bubble (Here is your bug report)

Yeah… I bought and downloaded that plugin. One tip that will get you through the interim - roll back the bubble RTE plugin update to version 2.0.2. it fixed this issue for me for now.

Oops, guess not fully. Still not saving to a thing

Thanks for the tip, even it it doesn’t save yet :wink:

Which RTE are you talking about? The Bubble one or the ZQ one?

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bubble Rich Text Editor

Haven’t had any issues with all my apps. Is this a new occurrence in existing apps? If so you should also file a bug report.

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Interesting… you’re not referring to the legacy plugin correct?
Yes, it’s being used in an existing app. Has worked fine until recently.

Nope, I always make it a point to keep my plugins up to date.

Do the issues happen on specific RTEs or throughout your app? Now that I think about it, i have had issues when switching over to Tooltip (which I haven’t filed a bug report now that I think about it). Are the RTEs with issues using Tooltip?

I have noticed another issue with the RTE not resetting it’s value (not what is visible in the text input itself) in the latest version. Reset action is working in 2.0.8.

@nick.carroll I’ll file a bug report soon but maybe you can give the dev team a heads-up to do something about this. It’s confusing my users.

EDIT: Urgh. The reset action will only work properly if the initial content is not empty. Since I need parent content as initial content I’ve resorted to a conditional with [color=#000000][/color] (insert your default text #color) so the reset action works as intended.

Bubble informed me how to fix the issue!

  1. Enable auto binding
  2. Set up a privacy rule for the data type you are displaying/editing

HMU if you need help…

Hello everyone,

If you have any further inquiries about the Advanced Rich Text Editor Plugin, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Remember to mention our team when you do.

We suggest exploring the demo editor page and consulting the accompanying documentation for more information and assistance.

Warm regards,
Zeroqode Support Team.

I have noticed when pasting content into the RTE, the page scrolls to the top… very frustrating!

Hi @robbie4 ,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention! :pray:

We understand how frustrating this behavior can be. To help us investigate and provide a solution, could you please share additional details about your setup and the issue you’re encountering?

Specifically, we’d appreciate it if you could provide:

  1. The full plugin name and link you’re using.
  2. A detailed description of your use case and the specific steps that lead to the issue (e.g., when pasting content into the RTE).
  3. Screenshots or screencasts showing:
  • Your workflow and plugin element configuration.
  • The issue occurring (e.g., the page scrolling to the top when pasting).
  • What you were expecting to happen instead.
    For recording screencasts, Loom is a great option.
  1. The type of device and operating system version you’re testing on.
  2. The plugin version you have installed. If you notice any error messages, please open your browser console during the screencast and share a link to the recording.

Additionally, if the plugin has an update available, could you try installing it to see if the issue is resolved? If the problem persists, the requested details will help us investigate thoroughly.

Looking forward to your reply so we can assist you further! :blush:

Best regards,
Support Team
Browse all Zeroqode Plugins for Bubble

I’m using the rich text editor by bubble.

Hi @robbie4

Thank you for bringing this to our attention! I’ve tested the Bubble Rich Text Editor (RTE) on our Test Page and wasn’t able to replicate the scrolling issue you described.

In the meantime, here are a few general recommendations that might help resolve or diagnose the problem:

  1. Browser & Cache:
  • Ensure you’re using the latest version of your browser.
  • Clear your browser cache and try again.
  1. Plugin Updates:
  • If you’re using a plugin-based RTE, check if there are any updates available and install them.
  1. Test on Clean Page
  • Please create a clean page only with Bubble RTE and try to pull content there.

If the issue persists, We recommend reaching out directly to Bubble Support. They’ll have more tools to assist with specific editor-related behavior.

Let me know if there’s anything else I can help with! :pray:

Best regards,
Support Team
Browse all Zeroqode Plugins for Bubble

Hi @robbie4 ,

I wanted to follow up and see if you’ve had a chance to go over the steps we shared earlier. If the issue persists or if there’s anything else you’d like help with, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

We’re always here to assist and would be happy to help address any challenges you might be facing.

Looking forward to your reply! :pray:

Best regards,
Support Team
Browse all Zeroqode Plugins for Bubble