DNS Not resolving - need unique IP

Hello all,

I’ve got 2 apps, 1 working perfectly fine on its own domain. The other one is a clone which has now gone its seperate way with additional features. The cloned version has its own domain and IP but it will only work when www is in the URL. I added an A record with www but it didn’t resolve.

I spoke to Namecheap and they said it needs a unique IP and header (or something, I can’t find the chat transcript).

Is this a common problem and any suggestions on how to resolve please?

Many thanks!

This is the error I receive:

Error 1001

Ray ID: 7a0967654daeb2e7 • 2023-02-28 13:11:03 UTC

DNS resolution error

Namecheap support did ask if the host was Cloudflare which I believe it is. Does this help…?

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