If you are performing a search for things and put the constraint as unique ID is in and the is in portion is followed by a list of text, the expected and previously working result would have been a list of all the things that has a unique id that is in the list of texts of unique ids…this is not functioning now, and it only returns 1 result, the thing whose unique id is equal to the first text in the list of text.
Yes, the ids are stored in the DB, so the search constraint is just taking the text from the DB…the IDs are actually coming from the result of a bulk create via the API, so the IDs do exist in the DB as well.
Check your privacy rules for Quotes and loads objects.
you can also try to use the :format_as_text operator to remove the spaces that could be stored in your database (with :find and replace or :trimmed) and :join or :split_by to manipulate the list or the result, maybe also the :extract with Regex to find the id in the joined list…
Btw, is it normal that you use a constraint with a specific unique id on the “Do a Search for Quotes” operation?
I attempt to approach development with as little issues caused by privacy rules as possible while just building functions/features, so I save them until the end. In this case, privacy rules are not the cause.
This was the issue. I assumed since the first entry was returned, that there would have been no issues with the others, but taking the response from the API call, which is invalid JSON, I had to use a lot of find and replace to get rid of all extra characters…I guess there was a space between the commas.