Do when condition is true

I have a scenario.

in the app level I have two states.
one is list of dates let say it is three date and the other one works once I want to complete the order.
which is yes or no state let’s called order state.
my condition is like this do every time: the list of date > 0 and order state is true.
first workflow is creating new order second workflow is to minus the state of list of dates and subtract one date. so now I would have two dates and the condition should be still true.
the problem is the do when only works one although the condition is true it does not work how to fix it?

So, the “when a condition is true”, even putting the “every time” only triggers when it changes…
For example, when it’s true, it acted… but in order to act again, it needs to become false, then true once again.

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But I didn’t quite understand what you need in your app to give you advices on how to set it up haha sorry


You really need to punctuate this better. I barely understand what you’re saying

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