Does anyone know if you can make the text in a "Input Disabled" Input a different colour

**EDIT : I think I phrased this question wrong, I want to stop the input from shading over the colour of the text when the input is disabled

Hey All,
It’s been a while… So I have a fairly basic problem I cant seam to figure out…

Can you change the colour of the text in a disabled input.??

Simple…Change its style

Hey thanks for the reply but I dont see an option to change the colour of the text when the input is disabled

I don’t see
When this input is disabled
as an available condition. I’d assume you’d need to implement some sort of work around to do what you want.

If your design permits, perhaps you keep track of the input’s disabled status using a state and then a conditional to disable it and set the color to red?

Under Input’s ‘Conditional’ Tab

When Input 's disable this input? is yes

Font Color: Red

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Thats all good but when the input is disabled it applies a shading to the normal font colour… so white becomes grey. I want to use a input as a input when editing an event then as a text box when not editing the event.

I believe you can do it through custom css but i dont know how

Hi, I am using this css
input:-webkit-autofill, input:-webkit-autofill:hover, input:-webkit-autofill:focus, input:-webkit-autofill:active { transition: background-color 5000s ease-in-out 0s; }

It will override the disable input style for IOS and other browsers.

Thanks, where do I insert this code and is there anything else that needs to be inserted around it to make it work

Place this code into settings/seo&metatags/advancedSettings:scriptInHeader

<style> input:-webkit-autofill, input:-webkit-autofill:hover, input:-webkit-autofill:focus, input:-webkit-autofill:active { transition: background-color 5000s ease-in-out 0s; }</style>
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Hey so I did this and it displays properly on my desktop but not on my iphone… Would you have any idea why this would be the case

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