Drag/drop leaving an empty space inside a repeating group

I am using the drag’n drop official plugin. I have a repeating group that displays “Tasks” (reusable element) and another group within a repeating group that displays “Tags”

What I want is to associate the Tag to the Task when I drag’n drop the task on the dedicated drop zone.
That works BUT, it leaves an empty space in my repeating group.

This is my page structure

See the empty space in my repeating group :

The repeating group data source is set to search for tasks with no Categories (tags)

I can confirm that the tasks once dropped on a drop-zone are correctly tagged and “tags” is not empty from this moment.

Can you see what I am missing?


: collapse when hidden

I second that :point_up:t5:
Check the box for “collapse when hidden”


Thanks both of you for the response.

On what element should I tick that option?

I doubt this is a collapse when hidden issue, that would not make sense, but let’s try.

I’ve set to collapse when hidden both green groups here on the screenshot. With no change in the app behavior as I would have expected.


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