my app is designed for people to search schools they want to find and the search needs work by city & state, as well as zip code. But now works only if you search by zip code. It works like this:
I test the city input, it works well, so the problem is the dropdown with static choices. I’ve tried the dynamic choices, but because the elements of the database (type: CW_School) are more than 100,0000, it takes a long time for state dropdown to search all the states from the database and build options. And also every time people search, it should show the same options which include all the states without repetition. The dynamic choices seems unable to do this.
Since your app was set to everyone can edit, I went ahead and made a few changes. Here were the primary points I caught:
Within the search, you were converting the typed text value of City to uppercase. (Ex. Brooklyn becomes BROOKLYN. From a search standpoint, these are different values.
In your data, your State value for each individual school has a trailing space (ie. instead of “NY” it is "NY ". From a search standpoint, these are different things. (You can test this by stripping the space from all your values. (In the interim, I employed the simple - but not recommended workaround of using “contains” instead of “=”)
On page load, you were displaying all of the database entries. (the 100,000 schools). I removed the initial search so it’s only displaying after a search is explicitly run. (If you check the debugger, Bubble was mentioning that 18+ mb of data was being sent).
There was an auto binding association on the “State” dropdown but it wasn’t set to autobind anything. Wasn’t causing an issue, but didn’t need to be there.