Dynamic subdomains

Hello, how can I create dynamic subdomains? For example, my app is called “nocode”, my clients can create their own webpage using it and want to get their domain like: “client1.nocode.com”. How can I do this?


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Hey there @bruno3,

Check out @gaimed’s SaaSAlias plugin to do this


Definitely recommend @gaimed’d SaaSAlias plugin. If you purchase it, feel free to shoot me a message if you need a hand implementing. The docs are really straight forward once you grasp how the plugin works.


Hey @armcburn,

If ever you have a mini how-to or step by step guide to share, would be awesome and very helpful :smirk:

I’m going to implement custom domains with this plugin for my users :relaxed:

Just one quick question : I already plugged a custom domain to my bubble app. I guess I have to remove this custom domain before using Saasalias plugin, right?

No, just follow the instruction. Your bubble app can still be custom, and then you can “imprint” the app on other 3rd party domains (such as subdomain.clientdomain.com or clientdomain.com)

Check out the docs posted at the top of the SaaSAlias plugin page. It goes over all of this :slight_smile:

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Many thanks @armcburn!

Hi! @Christophe_HK, What is the other plugin that you used for custom domain?

No problem - if you have any questions that come up drop them in the official plugin thread and tag me and I can help if possible.

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I don’t use any other plugin @bruno3, I bought a domain name and set it as a custom domain for my Bubble app (myapp.bubbleapps.iomyapp.com)


You can use our plugin:

Good luck.

Hey @codecompany,

Not easy to make an idea of the value added by your plugin as the demo app is disabled. Could you please elaborate a bit more? What’s your plugin doing? Any ssl cert for security purpose?
Many thanks!

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Hi @Christophe_HK ,

In the current version, if you have your domains registered via GoDaddy, it will connect a subdomain specified in a workflow > Add Subdomain to your Bubble App server Ip Address (DNS). SSL (or now TLS) is usually provided either by your domain provider or both.

This means you can add subdomains dynamically based on your workflow logic or user input.

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Hey i have a question. will this be able to allow users to create their own subdomain for a page? kind of like how beacons.ai does? or lintree?

^ I’m also wondering the same

His there, would you consider adding support for Google Domains?