[early access] Help us test Bubble’s editor performance improvements

I have a beefy system and I usually experience eventual slowdowns for very heavy pages, even then it’s nothing a refresh won’t fix. It’s not been much of an issue for me ever since the upgrade to responsive pages.

But I have to say that the speed upgrade is very noticeable! Kudos to the team! Can’t wait for the new WF editor.

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@jennifer.javier I’m not testing the new editor, but since this announcement I’ve seen considerable speed reduction in the normal editor as well as some bugginess.

Hi @jennifer.javier
Please, put an option in SETTINGs, a checkbox:

  1. &newautorun=true as default;
  2. &debug-mode-true as default.
    Very annoyning to set manually (in the URL) those options

By the way, the new editor is FAST !!!
Congratulations !

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By the way… can we expect apps to be as fast as the new editor?
That would make a big change !

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Another bug, @jennifer.javier:

  • Select multiple elements (e.g., 3 TableCell elements).
  • Modify a property (e.g., Top Padding).

It’s then no longer possible to select other properties (e.g., Bottom Padding).

The same series of actions works successfully with newautorun disabled.

I’m probably way overthinking this…

but, I’m having a bit of difficulty understanding this for some unknown reason.

I have an SPA with about 50 reusable groups.

When my editor loads, I add ‘&newautorun=true’

but don’t I then have to hit enter and reload the editor to take the added parameter into account?

Also, when I append the url, every time I click to edit another RE it deletes the parameter I added.

As I said, I’m probably overthinking this and confusing myself. Can anyone set me straight on this?


As you work and navigate around the editor, URL parameters are frequently modified, including their sequence. If you’re looking for the newautorun parameter, don’t look only at the end where you originally added it.

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@jennifer.javier - Can you do something to make a tree for the unorganized plugin elements in the below way

[+] Plugin 1 Elements (Expand)
[+] Bubble Elements (Expand)

  • Do something to sort my Elements - I have 82 popups on the page and each time i add a popup i need to use microscope to find its place on the tree - No logic on its place

You’ve kind of brought this upon yourself then… use reuseable elements…

Nevertheless, ‘reveal in elements tree’ at the bottom of the element inspector is what you’re looking for.

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Hi @georgecollier
1 - Got more than 20 Re-usables, Some are cannot be added to re-usables as app updation require navigating from Re-usable to app page, which keeps loading /moving time to be 2-3 minute each time. (its a large app)
2 - Reveal in elements tree is good, if you got the element in the screen, What if you want to add a state to one popup in the middle of something. (I know there is find element) - This is for “Bubble Elements” elements by plugins and elements created during development (Groups, Popups etc)

A simple alphabetical sort doesn’t looks like a costly feature. Expected elements will be more than 250 in coming months with re-usable to grow over 100

Sorry but this reeks of bad build practice :rofl: 2-3 minute page loads is wild, let alone 82 popups on one page! You may wish to read @rico.trevisa 's SPA post Single-page application framework: App Shell [free tutorial]


I thought it was great, but in two situations I felt it was worse than the previous one:

  • Language edits panel (lag when editing texts)
  • Privacy panel (lag when adding a condition)

I feel it’s my obligation to tag Bubble’s unofficial QA Analyst: @brenton.strine


Thanks for letting us know about this, we will be taking a further look!

Hey @jennifer.javier. While changing from one branch to another except from main, it took too much time and nothing loaded.


After studying the Bubble, he refused it.

  1. 15 days is a “no” test period.
  2. There is a problem with transferring the data structure and the data itself; the integrity of the data is lost.
  3. I wrote point three in personal messages.

This morning we noticed dozens of issues highlighted in the issues checker in our main branch, things that weren’t there yesterday (in the last deploy).

We know that in the past there were cases of delay in identifying issues by the detector and in other cases they were only detected when you returned to the page/reusable where these issues were.

We found that most of it is related to the workflow folder and some are related to old datatypes deleted (the same thing that happens when you remove old things using “Optimize Application”). Maybe it has something to do with the new improvements in editor, I don’t know. I’m just reporting to let you guys know about these events.

Also, not just main was affected, but some other branches too. But the weird thing is that in branches we got a different amount of issues, but the same issues in the main branch list.

I already reported this, but maybe @jennifer.javier or @fede.bubble can give us some news about this?

Edit: I am not using the new editor.


Yep, just experienced this. No errors in the console when this is happening.


On my end I’ve notice performance improvement overall, yes.

But I also have noticed worse performance when working with 2 browser tabs of the same app builder. Which I often do.

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