[early access] Help us test Bubble’s editor performance improvements

Hi everyone,

I’m Jennifer Javier, product manager at Bubble, and I work with the Platform team to help improve Bubble’s infrastructure. I’m excited to share that next month, we’re adopting the SolidJS library to reduce resting memory usage in the Bubble editor — meaning a faster, better app editing experience for you. We’d like to give you a preview of the upgrades and get your help testing the new framework before it rolls out to everyone.

Starting today, if you add the parameter &newautorun=true to your Bubble app editor url, you can start editing with the new framework. You can expect snappier editor performance moving from page to page and navigating across editor tabs (Design, Data, Workflow… etc.).


Note: This improvement is still undergoing testing and you may experience bugs. Any discrepancies with visuals in the editor shouldn’t affect your apps in production.

Please report any issues in this thread or to our Support chatbot (let us know it might be related to “SolidJS”).

This update is just the start and unlocks some exciting work for us to make Bubble and your apps faster and more performant, so we’re looking forward to rolling this out fully by late July!

Thanks for your collaboration,

— Jennifer


Now that is a good announcement! I was tired of all these other announcements that felt like a waste of money and time. Editor improvements, now that I can get behind! Great job! I will add the parameter to start testing it out today. :blush:


Our apps performance or editing our apps faster ? Which one is unlocked ?

Damn this is a really good news! Thank you @jennifer.javier


this is about editor performance, not your apps, but the statement you quoted was likely was made to reflect the broad base work that Bubble is doing to improve the speed of both the editor and our apps.


This significantly improves the page load times within the editor exclusively. That means that you can switch between pages/reuseable elements in less than a second, which minimises the disruption when you want to move around your app. I’ve been testing it and it really is very good. Thanks Bubble!

Edit: It has always resulted in increased memory consumption for me (Chrome) compared to the old version, but I’m fine with that as the end result is faster.

Great news on this one!

I have been avoiding the need to upgrade my rig’s RAM in order to have fluid browser tabs going.

That is why I abuse reusables … :sweat_smile:

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Just read this George …

Darn! I may still have to bite the RAM dust …

Bubble’s giving me a good excuse to spend some money and upgrade my laptop to 16GB :rofl:

I’ll compete with you on this one…
CleanShot 2024-06-28 at 19.44.58

Macbook ARM chip is pretty good at managing the low amount of RAM


16? … I was thinking no less than 32 because 16 does not do it for me … hehhehe


Couldn’t even image trying on a 16. Sure it’s fine, but with Bubble’s editor, I’ve always had memory leaks.

Can’t wait to see this being more improved.


Band of brothers man … band of brothers … :fire: :rocket:

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My Bubble apps and templates don’t load anymore :frowning:

I’m a developer since 25 years.
Here my 2ct: don’t deploy new features on a friday. All my apps are down.

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Where? Can you send screenshots?

This test is entirely optional. You’ll only be using the test if you append the relevant parameter to your editor URL.

In my apps and templates. Not in the editor. May be another reason.

Over 10 seconds load time.

I’m not seeing that, and if I did, it’d be nothing to do with this update. This update solely concerns the editor, and is completely optional (and disabled by default).


OK. May be a random error.