Ecommerce with multiple prices per product 😲


We have an ecommerce store with products that have 8 prices (depending of the current user).

We need to show the user the price corresponding to their rol (field created in the User’s database).

Example of the database:

Conditionals may help here but we would like to know if there is a better way.

Any tips?


You should have a price DB that is linked to product (and maybe to user too). This way, you can have unlimited pricing by products. This could also be use for conditionnal (for example, the price can be for 9 or less, another one for 10-20 and another one for more than 20 items)

Hi Jici! Thanks for the FAST reply.

Can you please give us more details of the price DB you mention? Would this be a third database? (1. Users 2. Products 3. Prices)

Finally, how would you show the corresponding price to the user?

Thanks for your help

Yes a third DB. I don’t know what is you process exactly to create price, but according to what I understand, price DB should have 3 fields: price (number), user (user DB) and products (products DB)
So when user go to product page, you have the pricing using Do a search for price where user = current user and product = current page product

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YES! That could work! I will try it.

Thanks again (this forum is AMAZING)

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I’m thinking that you could consider making the user field to be a list type. I guess that more than 1 user could have the same pricing…