Editor showing me elements from days ago

Opened up the editor this morning to find that some elements have reverted back to what
they were several days ago. I have no idea how widespread this is in the app, if it’s only one element or several things has changed and there’s no way for me to tell.

I remember seeing a thread about similar issues a while back, but wasn’t able to find it again.
So creating a new one just to get it on the radar of the Bubble team, it’s a pretty big issue.

Ok, opened it up again a few hours later, the issue persists and further issues have developed.

Now elements that have text formatting from the rich text editor does not show formatting in preview mode, but they still show in the editor…

I found the thread from @boston85719 I was looking for. Looks like it was closed a few hours ago
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so after some more digging, it looks like all nested groups are no longer in the elements tree, although they are in the editor, but any updates to them are not reflected in preview.

Some groups have randomly changed name as well.

Submitted a ticket, let’s see what happens.

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