Hey friends. Is anyone aware of any element properties available in my app’s DOM that are actually searchable in the bubble editor?
My use case: User’s can right-click and report a bug, and I would like to pass a searchable property from the element they clicked on to their ticket that will help us more easily identify where their problem is.
I know i can get the element ID on a right click event using js. problem is:
A) I don’t think there’s a way to search in the bubble application editor by element ID
B) Even if there were, my app has thousands of elements with undefined IDs, and I cannot go back and rename them all.
I guess I (foolishly) assumed that the element name attribute within the DOM would be set to the name I gave it in bubbleb, that way i could easily find it in the element tree. But it turns out every element name is null.
Any ideas? Or am I fresh out of luck?