I have a page with a dynamic lesson outline, that uses a nested repeating group in a repeating group. The list generates fine.
Where I’m having a bug is I have 2 icons that display whether or not the section was completed by the learner. My database keeps track of “topics completed”.
I’ve tried various versions of setting up the conditional visibility for the icons and still getting the same bug. The section “Logic model metrics template” is completed in this example. The debugger shows the visibility should be NO, but I have both icons appearing.
Just for example, here’s the other icon:
The checkmark correctly displays, but the ellipse icon isn’t hiding.
I’ve tried all sorts of variations - make the element visible/not visible at page load. Tried doing a direct query rather than custom state.
It seems to be a bug when I’m at a page in a different section (the yellow selection in the screenshot) and open my completed work in a different section. There seems to be some confusion of the current selected topic vs “this parent” topic.
Does anyone have any suggestions?