Anyone else having email failures? using bubbles built in send password reset function and the emails are showing as sent in the server logs but not being received by the recipient.
I’ve also trouble with email sending in bubble and I’m develop my apps in bubble a long time and I really don’t have an answer until now, too
The email provider “SendGrid” seems to be a bubble partner and if you check the Settings-Tab in bubble, you can insert your personal sendgrid-login informations. I googled a lot and many users have trouble with sending email froms bubble. I tried so many times to register to sendgrid service but no response. I also think about: how to pay money to another provider to SEND just EMAILS ??!!!
If you would get any informations, I would be very happy.
Strange thing in bubble … !!!
I find the best method for sending emails is to make an api call into postmark and send emails from there instead however in this instance i just want the native bubble password reset feature to work which it say’s it is in the server logs but strangely isn’t delivering any emails to the recipient.
I have seen this in the past where bubble have had an outage with sendgrid but nothing on the status pages and on reporting it to bubble support I am told it will be dealt with by a team in working hours.
Frustrating and may just switch it all to postmark moving forwards to avoid this issue if it turns out to be a fault.
I am using Postmark, and I faced a similar issue too, I was sending thousands of emails as mass announcement, using the bulk and backend workflows, the process went smoothly “as bubble indicated” that all calls were triggered successfully, and I eneded up finding out that only 10% of the emails were actually sent when I checked the Postmark server activities.
Postmark had an issue at the same time, but now they are saying that they have no evidence that my issue specifically were due to their problems at that time.
I contacted and I didn’t get any feedback yet.
The search in the server logs for any faild action related to this bulk operation was clear ( could find and failed actions related to that bulk operation ) but again log UX and search is terrible and it is very hard to search for what you need using their UX.
To be honest I am now stuck, don’t know what to do, and I don’t want to send the same emails to teh same users twice.
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