Email not working (reset password and new users)

For some reason, this app’s emails are completely not sending (I’ve checked spam).

I’ve been encountering this issue for days with this one. All email will not send including when new users are created, a send email workflow is run or even with the password reset email supplied by Bubble.

Let me know your thoughts!

Hey @maxlouiscreative ,

Are you using your own Sendgrid account?

Am I able to use a Sendgrid account for usage with the standard Bubble emails like password reset?

Yes, you are

I cant see a way of doing that on a free Bubble plan. Surely there is a way on a free app to be able to send password reset emails :thinking:

Yeah there is, you just need to use the option under Account > Send password reset email

Welcome to Sendgrid, my personal advise to you is, switch to Postmark email asap.


That doesn’t send with Sendgrid unless you have it set in the settings of the app. That setting seems to only be available with a custom domain/paid plan?

Sure thing, but same issue, how is that set up?


f you didn’t setup a custom domain all emails are sent through Bubble’s Sendgrid account.

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Check out this: Setting up Rich Postmark - #15 by Lucien

I’ve also helped some individuals set up their Postmark via DMs


Is it a bug that Bubble’s Sendgrid account isn’t working? If so I can file report in that case.

It’s working fine for me.

The issue is no emails are sending on the workflow, but it is successfully running, which is also in the log. Here’s a video of the editor:

Thanks so much for your help Johnny :slight_smile:

Have you checked your spam box or promotions box?

Unfortunately so!

Hmm… I’m wondering if their Sendgrid server it’s being sent off is getting blocked by your mail provider

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