Emojis in Database Table - Tip from Zeroqode

Next step. Clone bubble with emojis!


amazing! :slight_smile: or i should rather have written :astonished::partying_face::ok_hand:


I prefer the trusted :metal:


You, sir, are a man of culture.



I think @JonL is telling the truth about the Beau character. I had a strange interaction with him, that showed him as a strange character. At first he was helpful, opened his complex editor to me.

I took a couple hours to look through it and try to figure out what on it was supposed to help solve an issue I was having. While looking through it, I saw some things that seemed pretty cool he had done, and way over my head.

I sent reply email to thank him and let him know I would have some questions about those thingsā€¦his response was shocking, demeaning, and immature. We shared a few back and forth in which I tried to express ideas of how he would be better in life to move forward in more respectful, less arrogant ways.

Overall, I felt the entire situation was a bit bizarre as a person who at first seemed helpful, turned out to be unpleasant.