Error 401 'Invalid Credentials'

Hi All,

I have been banging my head the past couple of days and I hope someone can help me with this. I am currently trying to POST to a 3rd party app. Their documentation and support is extremely limited.

I was able to successfully do a POST via Postman, but when I try doing the exact same thing within the API Connector I get Invalid credentials. When I pass the authorization parameters in the Header I get status 400 Bad Request in both postman and bubble. But if I pass the authorization parameters within the Parameters, I get success 200 in Postman and Error 401 “Invalid Credentials!” in the API Connector.

The API authorization in the API Connector is set to “None, self-handled”, so not sure what else to do.

Any help would be appreciated!

Can you share settings in postman? API doc if available too

Had to block the api credentials but otherwise here is everything:

General API Info

API documentation on the specific POST request

Whats in Postman that gives me 200 Success

Additional API documentation on the credentials I need to pass to authenticate the request. I just noticed that the credentials needs to be URL encoded if I pass it as parameters (which I do). I am not sure what I need to do here.

Activate querystring or move your parameters to the url. If you look correctly at the postman settings, theses fields are querystring (parameters in the url)

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@Jici I knew I was in good hands when you replied. Thank you as always!

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