Error codes for Backend Workflows?


Can anyone give guidance on error codes for backend workflows? Sometimes workflows will randomly not run and I want to be able track any API error responses for my backend workflows and retry them incase of an error.

I’ve not been able to find much information on this.


there aren’t error codes really

you can try and sift through the log reports… but they are honestly pretty pointless

whenever I debug something I create data to write the success/error states and conditions into - this gives me the best clarity (but requires wu - but that’s a lot less than hours trying to sift through logs)

just create a data for “history” with a text field and then write data to it so you can see what actually happens in the workflow. once debugged remove those steps.

normally I’ll add 1 debug step to the start of all the workflows I’m debugging to see which are firing and which aren’t, then I’ll drill down and add more debugs for conditions and api calls as I refine where the problem is.

even in super complex workflows this is a very scalable and useful method as you can add and remove debug steps wherever you want them so you can isolate your debugging - and you can log only what you want to log rather than everything.

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Thanks for clarifying, I expected this was the route to go, but it feels very hacky, because it isn’t really a great way for error handling in all honesty. For example, how do you handle timeouts? If I wanted to cancel a workflow because X amount of time has run and then retry?

for that level of debugging and error management you’d be best to create a custom plugin and then you can add logic to handle timeouts

or use an api management service (, aws etc)