Error never seen before when uploading data

Anyone seen this error before?

“There was an error analyzing your data: We found 2 entries with the value XXXX in the table of YYYY. Please fix: this is row 1.”

I’m trying to upload a set of data and one field is linked to another data type. Multiple rows have the same linked data type so naturally multiple entries will have the same column field with data.

Data example in CSV, 4 rows, 2 columns:
A (Data entry A from datatype C), 30000
B (Data entry B from datatype C), 20000
A (Data entry A from datatype C), 25000
B (Data entry B from datatype C), 15000

I think it’s trying to tell you your data base isn’t set up right.

Hello, @davsvens, put your table in csv if you can, it may be the part there that you are trying to export so we can observe better, because the error is in line 1, where there may be a header, some blank space, there are variables. And does it manage to import, even with the warning?