Extracting city from a geograpic address - wierd (object) (object) notation - Anyone? - SOLVED

I’m trying to extract the city description from a field that contains a geographic address. I’m using the EXTRACT function which is supposed to return a text result. I’m adding this result to another field that is a TEXT type being a LIST .

Sometimes the city name is extracted correctly and captured in this field. But sometimes, instead of the correct value, I see “(object) (object)” in the field.

All the necessary API settings for Google have been input as required.

My users are using addresses in Hebrew.

What do you think the problem is and how can it be solved?

By the way, following a suggestion from elsewhere in the forum, I’ve embedded an invisible map object in the page, to which I pass the result of the search field where I’m searching for a geographic address, and from there I pull the address. This also didn’t solve the problem.

Thank you!!


that data is directly coming from Gmaps so no control over it, but can you try US addresses for testing and see if all good, first make sure you have city name in hand before sending to list

Thing is that I need Israeli addresses … I will do some pre processing to catch what is returned from Google Maps … It might have to do with the local browser permisions with the API or something of the sort. Tough one!

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Found the bug. Aparently I was updating the list field somewhere else in another workflow in which I did not extract the city text part but inserted the whole geo type into a text field, thus the error.

My fault :slight_smile: