πŸ“² Face & Touch ID Authenticator Plugin

Hi Bubblers, this plugin is now available! :woman_artist: :man_technologist:

First 5 people to like & comment will receive a free licence. :ticket:


Awesome! I can’t wait to use it.
Please keep a free licence for someone else as I don’t need it right now.

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Well done, this really does open up the signup process.

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Awesome ! Logins will become more seamless.

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Hey @it1 @jagdish_bajaj @ rukevweb please send us a private message with your app name. You’re welcome to change the app later if needed (Limited to only 2 mentions)

@nickkessel22 would you like a free licence?


Thank you for the offer, please reserve it for someone else. I don’t have an app where I could use it now.

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Great! I will take a look. Congratulations!

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Would love to try this out!

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Hey @roberto.naddeo @Christophe_HK @ hiyspyservices please send us a private message with your app name/id.

Does it ever expire?

Have you received my PM?

it does not expire.

Your application is authorized, refresh your editor and find it in the plugins list. :woman_mechanic:

This is awesome. Nice work sir.

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Hey @Appkit

It’s really cool, I would love but my app is still under dev and its name will change, not the final one (marketing in progress)

But again, many thanks for this proposal, very appreciated

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It’s ok to change the app later if you want. We will just swap the licence from your dev app to your new app.

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This is very good.

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