Hi all
Is it possible to search my app for all elements, fields, plugins etc that aren’t used?
As it was my first app there was quite a bit of trial and error!! It’s becoming relatively successful now so I need to spend time tidying it up and making it appear faster.
Any help appreciated
In the settings tab, at the bottom of general, there is a feature called ‘optimize app’ when you run this feature, it will search for all unused plugins, elements, deleted data types/fields etc. and when you remove them, they will be gone forever.
Do keep in mind, there are often unintended consequences, like the fact that Bubble still has not made it so that dynamic expressions that are still in place referencing a deleted data type or field do not get picked up as invalid expressions by the issue checker and will not show up in your app search for field uses as the fields/data types are deleted in essence. What ends up happening in these situations is that the optimize app feature will actually really delete those fields/types resulting in the issue checker spotting the dynamic expressions that referenced them as invalid expressions, so you may end up with issues after running the optimize application feature.
Therefore, it is advisable to create a savepoint prior to running the optimize application feature.
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