Can you help me how to set fixed bar charts data in my bubble charts, As date’s adding my bar charts data getting small and crowded how can i design my bubble chart
Hi @luzonak,
Have you filtered your data?
For example, if you want to display data for a week (7 days), you need to filter your data from the current date until the date + 7. This will show only 7 data points.
I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Kind regards.
I just want to display a maximum of 7 days in my bar chart, sir, and I also want to add pagination if I want to go back or next.
Sir I want the starting date will be the creation date Minus 7 days of the current date and the ending date will be this current day
If I’m not mistaken,
you need to change “=” to “>”
than add 1 constraint “Created date < current date+(days) 1”
Thanks Sir problem solved
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