Fixed number of data in my bar charts

Can you help me how to set fixed bar charts data in my bubble charts, As date’s adding my bar charts data getting small and crowded how can i design my bubble chart

Hi @luzonak,
Have you filtered your data?

For example, if you want to display data for a week (7 days), you need to filter your data from the current date until the date + 7. This will show only 7 data points.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.

Kind regards.

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where can i put filter sir?

I just want to display a maximum of 7 days in my bar chart, sir, and I also want to add pagination if I want to go back or next.

before grouping the data, you can filter, choose which data should be shown.

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Sir I want the starting date will be the creation date Minus 7 days of the current date and the ending date will be this current day

If I’m not mistaken,
you need to change “=” to “>”
than add 1 constraint “Created date < current date+(days) 1”

Thanks Sir problem solved


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