Floating group in a group

Hi ! I have a question about Floating Groups. I’m actually trying to make a group fload on top of a group. I feel like it can just float on top of a page. Am I wrong? How can I fix this?

By definition, a floating group ‘floats’ above the page, positioned relative to the screen…

So what exactly are you trying to do here?..

(I suspect either a regular group or perhaps a group focus will be more what you need)…

I want it to float only above a group. It should be on top of a specific group when I scroll but not always on top of the page. I’m not sure it’s clear, tell me

I’m not entirely sure i understand… (can’t you just use a regular group for that then?..)

Do you have any examples of what you’re trying to achieve yo can share to make it clearer?

Ok, look at this site : Formation Développeur Web | Le Wagon
There is a block that is floating from a certain place on the page! is it clearer?

Ah ok, i see what you’re asking now (there a a number of posts about this already in the forum)…

It’s actually pretty simple…

Here’s an example I made a while ago…

Your Bubble app (bubbleapps.io)

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Thanks a lot !

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