Floating group in reusable element section

Hello :wave:
I’ve prepared a few screenshots to explain what I want. The first screenshot is what I currently have → I really want to keep my button floating (it works very well, but from a builder point of view, I find it a bit chaotic, lots of layers and lots of workflows, even if I organize them by group). The other screenshots (boxes 1, 2 and 3) are proposals of how I’d like to solve this problem. But these solutions lead to other problems such as: how to display data or communicate from a reusable element to another group, floating group or reusable element with its respective workflow ( CASE 1 and 2). That’s why I was asking if it was possible to have a floating group in a reusable element (which corresponds to CASE 2), which seemed to me to be the simplest?

Can you help me, please :pray:

Thank you





Custom states or properties on the reusable to have data communicate from the page or URL parameters…in your case, I’d look toward Properties

To trigger workflows, put them in the reusable element as custom workflow triggers, then from page use trigger custom workflow from reusable element

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Thank you for your answer . I never used « trigger function » workflow. So I will investigate about that’s…

I’ve tried, but I can’t do it. Can you explain how to do it or show me an example?

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