Error connecting to SendGrid: The provided authorization grant is invalid, expired, or revoked
bubble comes with their own forgot password emailing system?
unless you are trying to log their passwords use bubbles
I am using bubbles forgot password
Have you implemented SendGrid as a standalone plugin? Or are you utilizing Bubble’s default?
Bubbles default
Hmm, I just did a bit of testing to see if it is working properly. Can’t find any immediate issues on my end. (Test with Bubble’s SendGrid email function - both Bubble free plan type with no no personal SendGrid account and Bubble paid plan using my own SendGrid credentials.
I’ll keep an eye out.
I had exactly the same error. It seems to me that it started when i started to use Sendgrid plugin. Although i was using bubble default emailing system for the password reset email, but it seems that Sendgrid overide the default email system. So, what i did is the following:
1- i made the password reset action generates token rather than sending e-mail, by clicking the checkbox next to “just make token, don’t send email”
2- I created a dynamic template on SendGrind and i added a button to it with the following URL
3- in the workflow after action from step 1, i created an action to SendGrid - send email
4- in the SendGrid - Send email action i added the template ID from SendGrid, and defined key /value as follows:
rest_link = Result of step 1 (send password rest…)
By this the user was able to receive SendGrid email with the password reset link which will direct him/her to the password reset page
@ali.roshdy thanks for sharing.
I was able to set up the email action chain with Sendgrid following our instruction.
However, I get this message when I’m on the reset password page (typed in new password & confirm password) and click button to reset.
Any tips?
remove [] from the reset link in sendgrid template. It should be like this