Password Reset Page Issue

Hi all, just starting out using Bubble and so far super impressed.

Although, I have run into problem with the reset password page. I’m generating the reset token in the workflow and passing it to my sendgrid template. All good, and the link looks like this:


However when the user clicks the link and is taken to the reset pw page, enters new PW the confirm button does nothing, no message, does not update the users PW.

Ran in debug and all I get is that the button was pressed.

Thanks in advance

Have you got a ‘reset password’ action in the workflow?

Yes, in order to get the token the first action makes the token but the ‘dont send email’ is checked.

then I have an action that sends the sendgrid template with the inserted token like so:

But on the reset_pw page, after clicking the button, do you have a workflow assigned that will use the ‘reset password’ action to update the password with the new password value?

I don’t have any actions on the confirmation button as Im told that this was removed from Bubble as it’s handled automatically.

I looked at this and the only option would have been to use the ‘update the users credentials’ however one of the required fields is ‘old password’

‘Reset password’ is an action available on the reset_pw page.

That’s great thanks :slight_smile: - was hiding away under the scroll:

Ill give it a go :slight_smile:

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Good luck!

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