I can’t access your editor, as it’s set to Private…
But one thing to note that often catches people out…
The ‘Reset Data’ function does just that… i.e. it resets a Group’s data back to it’s default data source… it doesn’t clear it.
So, in your case, the reset data action will reset your Add/Edit event’s form back to it’s default value, which is getting data from the page URL. If the URL still contains an event ID parameter then that’s what it will reset to.
So, clearing the URL parameter (using a Go To Page action) will be the simplest way to clear the form.
Alternatively, you could use a ‘Display Data’ action, and use an expression that returns no result (such as a created date in the future, or have a custom state of the same type which is empty, and use that).
Or, another option is to keep the Add/Edit Form default datasource empty, and set it on page load if the URL contains certain parameter.
That way, using ‘Clear Data’ will reset the datasource back to it’s original Empty value.
@adamhholmes Sorry about the editor link. I forgot I had to make it public. And thanks for the explanation. I added the Go To Page action and removed the Reset. It’s working like a charm.