[FREE PLUGIN] GH5T Toolkit | Your Bubble Essentials

Hello friends! I have an amazing free tool Iโ€™d like to present you guys that I can guarantee will make your workflow management feel more organized and help your application feel much more alive. I use this tool basically every day on all my applications. Premium quality at no cost.


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A collection of useful tools that are well documented labeled to assure a seamless and functional application. Live input/element monitoring, Cookie/LocalStorage CRUD, Code generator, JS & CSS Injectors, browser notifications, and so much more.

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Easily inject dynamic or static values into prefilled content on your page.

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When vanilla Bubble just isnโ€™t enough. Target any element or input and trigger actions based on the users input/event.

  • Watch a live input in real-time.
  • Use conditionals on anything.
  • Use workflow actions on anything.
  • Send dynamic data to your trigger.

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This is almost essential for any website in my opinion. Very simple tool. This turns your basic images into full-screen images with a few clicks! This version is the basic version as I will be building onto it and improving its functionality on its own plugin. Let me know how you like this feature for a possible free version later on!


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Modify your CSS classes with fully dynamic or static keys. You will be able to add multiple classes to one or more elements dynamically or statically.

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Very advanced (but simple to use) CRUD management on both your local storage and cookies.

  • Use the element when you need to capture key values.
  • A workflow action to set/update/delete the cookie or storage item.

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Request permission from the user to allow browser notification and send fully custom and dynamic notifications to that user. This will also support your own custom actions in the near future to report back what action your user has chosen.

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MSG Browser - has three options, dialog, table, or regular. Client-side browser message.
MSG Server - send a message to your server log.
Random ID / UUID Generator - Create a random ID with crypto strength or your own properties.
Backdrop Fixer - simply makes your background color set to whatever you want. This is the background that is outside your contents boundaries that you usually see when you go past your pages canvas.
URI Encoder / Decoder - Turn your strings into a URI string that can be used for URLโ€™s or vice-versa!
Sluggify - Pretty much as the name says, just turns any string into a URL friendly slug. Donโ€™t mistake this for the same use-case as the encoder/decoder. This will turn โ€œhello My name is Jake!โ€ into: โ€œhello-my-name-is-jakeโ€.
Fancy Note - Probably one of the simplest tools that could be very useful for you and your colleagues. Ideally, itโ€™s just a workflow action that you can attach a note to OR you can use it to cache data right onto your application. The notes can be used in your conditionals.

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String encryption - A way to encrypt a string with your own hash token, and then decrypt it with your own hash token.
Time Relativity Converter w/ Locale - Convert the time now to (March 22) to December 17, 2026 would result in: โ€œ1000 days from nowโ€.


Latest update:

  • Random UUID Generation
  • Decode/Encode URI Strings.


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  • Added: Content Injector
    โ€“ Injects content dynamically throughout your page no matter where it is. You can replace words, or any key you set.
  • Added: Element Scoper
    โ€“ Allows you you turn ANYTHING into a conditional or workflow action.
  • Added: Big Picture
    โ€“ Fully immerse your users with your images in full-screen mode. Fully responsive. Very simple to use.
  • Added: Cookie Management
    โ€“ Now rather than just local storage, you can set your cookies and read them!
  • Added: Browser Notifications
    โ€“ Pretty self explanatory, but it works.
  • Added: Browser Fingerprint
    โ€“ Gets the unique ID from the users brower. Doesnโ€™t always work, can be blocked.
  • Added: Backdrop Fixer
    โ€“ Fixes the canvas where-as your background is not the same color as your body.
  • Added: Sluggify URL
    โ€“ Turn your strings into valid URLs. Great for SEO.
  • Changed: UID Generator
    โ€“ You are now able to provide a strength, lenght, and character sheet.
  • Changed: URI Decoder/Encoder
    โ€“ Now one element, you can just toggle the decoder.


  • Local storage now gets your the keys and values accordingly.
  • Lots of optimization.

New Demo

Check out the new demo!

Hope everyone enjoys the new updates and per usual, have a great day!


Wow! This is huge and so valuable!

1 Like

Thanks mate!

New update!

CLASS INJECTOR IS TO BE DEPRECIATED. Please use Classify as an alternative (I like that one better anyways :grinning:)

Now plugin is relevant to @BuildAppolis .

Added new feature: Path Hopper

  • Route/Reroute your URLS
  • Setup a parent path name so you only get relevant slug going forward.
  • No console spam anywhere.

I made this because I needed a router that had no console spam, was dynamic, and could catch a specific path name and then output the remainder of the list from that point.

Example of using a โ€œstartโ€ path:

With no start property:
Outputs this (as a list): (blank),path,to,page

With the start property of โ€œtoโ€:
Outputs this (as a list): to,page

Hope you all enjoy!

Is this plugin dicontinued? IT is not available any more?

Itโ€™s called B.A. Toolkit now.