Front end API call->move API data to backend->run backend workflow to change DB thing

Hi I am trying to call a third party API to get data and then transfer that data to backend workflow to change fields in a DB thing.

The API data is displayed in RG and when user selects RG the data in the specific RG cell is used to create a DB thing and fillout the fields.

How do I transfer API data list that is stored in a Custom State on Bubble front end?

I think you need to rephrase your questions.

Are you asking how to store data coming from the API into custom state or how to store custom list data in the Bubble database?

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I have an API that when called returns data that I store in a Custom State on the page element. The data is then displayed in a repeating group (the API returns a list). As of right now, when the User clicks on one of the RG cells the data from that respective cell is saved to a thing in the database that has many fields through a front end workflow.

The frontend workflow slows down the app so I would like to take the data from the Custom State on the page element and transfer that to a backend workflow to fill out the new thing created by the user clicking the cell.

I cannot figure out how to reference the data in the custom state to fill in fields on the thing I am trying to create in the background workflow. When trying to send data from frontend to backend I can only figure out how to send existing data things in my DB, but cannot figure out how to transfer API data.

Basically I am new to backend workflows and can’t figure out how to reference API data stored in a custom state to fill in the new DB thing.

Create an “API workflow” into the Backened workflow and add all the parameters that you need to send from the front end to the backend.

Inside that, write all the steps required to insert data into the db.

Call that API workflow from the frontend using the action “Schedule an API workflow” with the current time and pass all the parameters defined into API workflow.

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Just to jump in on this - is it possible to pass to an API workflow a parameter that is of a type other than the native data types and DB data types? I have a plugin that returns data as a plugin-specific data type and while I can access this type when selecting the data type of a new field of a database table, I cannot get hold of it when selecting the data type of an API workflow parameter.

Am I doing something wrong or is that the expected behaviour and, if it is, is there a workaround?