Frustrated about the preview

I tried 2 different apps and happend the same. What appears on the development view is different than on the preview view.

Wht I can do?

It is probably because of the responsiveness settings. If you don’t want to deal with responsiveness, then you can make your page fixed width until you are ready to make it responsive. It’s hard to know without a picture or video. :blush: That is just my guess.


Hope that helps! :blush:


Thank you for the reply.

Here is an example:

In editor:
In Preview:

Now I am starting other project, and what I did is to create a page that is only for mobile view witht hw width of 380px. On the editor looks good. But on my phone looks bad, the content is wider than the editor, you can move left and right. The bottom menu is fixed but looks awful.



In your first example maybe try making the green part not fixed width, also maybe try not putting any max width on it and see if that helps. :slight_smile: Let me know if that works.

Also make sure there is no space here: