Are there seriously zero solutions to this? I just had someone download my app and they got hit with a white screen 3 different times literally the second the app loads in.
Once the screen is white, there’s nothing you can do to fix it, it just stays white and you have to roll the dice again.
i see posts from 2021 talking about this and I can’t believe after several years of new builds, @gaurav still hasn’t addressed this.
it doesn’t help either that this is native to BDK, and not to regular browsers.
Edit: The newest version of BDK attempts to address this.
I haven’t gotten a chance to test it out yet, app is pending google play upload, but I can at least say that Gaurav has officially deployed a fix for it.
You need to understand that BDK uses the Jasonelle engine. When the screen is white, it’s simply because something is blocking the search for your site, like the device’s firewall, an ad blocker, a VPN that’s not working… Tell your clients to try on two different devices to show them that the issue is on their side.
As extremely helpful as this is, it’s hard for me to communicate this with clients considering they’re downloading an app and are getting a white screen before seeing anything.
I can imagine a user getting white screened several times and immediately uninstalling the app and 1-starring me for it.
Knowing that its ran via Jasonelle I can at least offer a why to the madness.
Obviously, if you’d built your application with Jasonelle, you could have put in safeguards to avoid this kind of situation, and totally kept control, by at least sending yourself a warning.