Get public image file URL of image saved to database

I’m trying to get the public image filed URL of a saved image to my database.

For example, instead of

I’d like to get the image as a direct link .png file. The reason is that I have an API call that won’t work with the format given when I get the image’s URL from Bubble.

Has anyone encountered this before or have any ideas on how to to solve this? Thanks!

If this is what you mean, this is the file direct from their AWS S3 bucket (link works and goes to your same file)

Beware of image links that have expired… those are annoying. @tylerboodman do you know how to determine when that’s the case?

Yea if the URL has the parameters after it indicating it is a signed URL. Like clicking on a private file that will be the case.

https://blahblah/file.ext?AWSAccessKeyId=[something]&Expires=[unix timestamp]&Signature=[signature]

Or if it was deleted you wouldn’t be able to tell from looking at the URL until it’s opened and its gone

you mean after storing it in a bubble thing :saved to S3? Or looking at the parameters of the image itself (before Bubble). Eg, all these Meta ad creatives end up having no permissions…

If the concern is taking a URL of a file somewhere then you would also see some kind of parameters like that indicating it is an expiring URL. Discord started doing it recently but the URL parameters are different.

And I think doesn’t :saved to S3 just make public files? so it won’t make a signed URL when you go to view the file, it will just open the direct link to the file (or more recently with the Bubble CDN in the link)

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