I have a huge database of URLs such as this : https://mym.fans/app/ajax/profile/Tatiana-laurence/avatar
However, this link seems NOT to be an URL image and doesn’t display the image when used in repeating groups from bubble databse.
Moreover, If I take the URL link from this image (right clicl + get the URL), the URL image is deleted after few hours (only I can see the image, but not others).
Has anyone already encounter this kind of problem ?
Can you guys think of a solution ?..
Thanks !!
Right-clicking to get the URL you are only getting the expiring signed url for the file meaning it expires in a certain amount of time for security purposes.
Does this service not have an API or something to get these images you want and store them in Bubble?
If you manage to get a signed URL in your Bubble workflow you can do [Image field] = [The URL]:saved to S3
and save it for yourself.
Hello, Thanks for your answer
However, it appears that there is no such URL available. I guess I have to download the image in my computer and then upload it to Bubble image database.
Is there a way to, only via those links (https://mym.fans/app/ajax/profile/Tatiana-laurence/avatar for instance for Tatiana Laurence user) a way to automatically dowload the images and store them into the Bubble database as Image ?
That way, I could acces them in my reapeating groups.
Thanks for the update !
So you only have the list of URL’s?
Or you are the owner fo the app?
Probably you could scrap all those URL’s and take the images