Get the index of the first element of an RG matching a condition


I can’t find a way to get the index of the first element of an RG matching some condition, which would be fairly easy to do with code. Has anyone solved that problem before?

Cheers :slight_smile:

I remember seeing this on the plugin store, try this? 1T - Index Finder Plugin | Bubble

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Hi @tylerboodman, thank you very much. This seems like it will do the job!

Can I just ask what an index is…just learning and not sure…is that the unique ID of a thing which bubble assigns?

If you have a Repeating Group doing a search for Users. Then the first user in that search will have an index of 1, the 2nd search result will have an index of 2… and so on.

So in @martinlenweiter’s case he has a specific user he’s looking for in a list, and is trying to find out “where is this user” in the list.

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Thanks for explaining @tylerboodman

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