Going from page with User data type to a page with another data type

On my login and sign up page I want to send a user to their business’s dashboard. All the data associated with the dashboard page is stored in Business data type.

I’m struggling to get the user from the login/signup page to the dashboard while making it so they are connected to their business’s Business data when they arrive.

I’ve tried using the go to external page and had it go to the slug of the business’s data row which is the same as the user’s data row’s slug. That got me to the correct url but the data was not saving to Business data when edited.

I know my dashboard page is set up to store data correctly because when I set the slug manually in the url it works perfectly. It is when I go to the page by any other method it seems to be disconnected from the data.

What method should I be using to accomplish this correctly and efficiently?

Hi there,

On the dashboard page, set the ‘type of content’ to ‘Business’

Now on the workflow, instead of using ‘Go to External Page’, I recommend using ‘Go to page: Destination: Business’
Data to send: Current user’s Business

Now when that link or button is clicked, it will go to the Business page, and display their business data.

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This what what I tried originally before I started getting crazy with it. It would send me to the next page and automatically displayed the correct slug in the URL but the data was never displayed from that user’s business nor could I save data.

Could you share screenshots of your workflow steps?

It is constantly changing from me trying to figure it out but this is it at the moment.
Here is the sign up workflow:

Thanks for the screenshots! Something to try - I see in steps 3 & 4 you are referencing ‘Current User’ - could you try instead to use ‘Result of Step 2 (Sign the user up’? This will force it to wait until that User is created and add that as part of the step.

Just gave it a try. Looks like I don’t have the option to use the result from signing up the user. I searched for result 2 as well. Not sure if that is related to the original issue.
Appreciate your help by the way!

Hmm what if you try reversing the order then? Create a Business first, Sign the User Up (Business = Result of Step), and then make changes to Business (result of step)? It may force it to tie both actions together to avoid race conditions, which I think might be the issue. Can you confirm whether or not the data is getting saved in its entirety in the database?

Have you tried using the ‘Step by Step’ mode on the Preview to see each step happening one by one?

As another troubleshooting step, can you check your Privacy rules to make sure data is visible and searchable? And finally, on your page of type Business, can you confirm each group or repeating group is referring to Current Page’s Business as it’s data source?

Your workflow looks fine… so the issue it likely on your destination page (i.e. you’re not referring to the page data correctly).

How are you referring to the data on the page?

This is the type of content of the page it is targeting.

Edit: As you can see from my other screen shots Business is the same data type I am targeting in the workflow.


Yeah… I know that… that’s not what I asked.

My question was how are you referring to that data on your page?

I will try reversing the order but first, here is the step by step preview of what I currently have:

Additionally, here is the target page’s settings:

And the settings of the page and the groups in the page are set to content type Business.

Should my authentication page by type Business or type User?

Quick update:

In the next page I am able to see the data coming from the Business data type but I am not able to make changes to it through make changes to a thing.

Edit: I ran the step by step to show what is going on.
The text color is supposed to be updating the value to the data to be #ffffff when I click save but it is remaining blank. The background color was set to blue manually in the data table to show that it is able to pull data from there so the auth page works in connecting it up to the correct business.

Edit 2: Two new discoveries:

  1. It is only the colors that are not updating in the database when I click save. Text input is saving with no issues.

  2. When I manually create a business in the Business database and type in the slug to the url to view it’s dashboad (business_settings page) it works flawlessly in retrieving the data and updating the data.

It is only when coming from a different page to the business_settings page that I have an issue with writing to the Business database and it is only with the color changers.

I discovered the issue. It actually has to do with the color picker not saving correctly. It saves for one of my manually created businesses but not for the one that is created at sign up. All other text and images save to the database without errors. It is only when using the plugin ‘Color Picker - Simple & Beautiful’

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Color Picker requires an initial value. Since the database is blank and the initial value is supposed to be coming from the database it throws and error. I don’t know how I didn’t see that before. I set default values in the database for the colors and now it is working. @adamhholmes and @msgiblin, thanks for all the help.

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Thanks for following up with your solution!