🧾 ᴺᴱᵂ ᴾᴸᵁᴳᴵᴺ Google Cloud Document AI - Invoice OCR [incl. EU region support & Automated Google Environment Setup!]

Hi Bubblers !

This plugin extracts text and values from invoices such as invoice number, supplier name, invoice amount, tax amount, invoice date, due date, and line item amounts.

It returns a list of text and values along with the detected languages, entities containing the invoice’s normalised fields, and properties containing the normalised fields for each line items.

You can test out our Google Document AI - Invoice OCR Plugin with the live demo.

Enjoy !
Made with :black_heart: by wise:able
Discover our other Artificial Intelligence-based Plugins

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Hello Bubblers!

Just to let you know that this plugin has been updated to provide an automated script to configure your Google environment :man_mechanic:t3:.
