Google Drive API Request

I am trying extend the Google Drive (Service Acc) plugin to include the Copy File request of the Google Drive API.

I have the following configurations set for the API authentication:

When I attempt to initialize the call it says that it “Could not sign request token, check private key”. If I use the same configuration in the Google Drive (Service Acc) plugin it works just fine.

What am I missing?


Hi Peter, did you figure this out? Im’ having the same issue

I figured it out.

  1. Remove \n, which it looks like you did, but replace with ENTER
  2. Leave the last =… the documentation everywhere says not to, but it won’t work without it
  3. Include the beginning and end ----PRIVATE---- tags

Look at the Zeroqode demo and at their plugin settings. You’ll see that they did the same despite their instructions saying not to @ZeroqodeSupport @bubble_dev
I tagged Zeroqode and Bubble because the manuals don’t state these steps. The Zeroqode manual for their Google plugins says to remove =, but it will not work if you do. The Bubble manual says to remove the ----PRIVATE---- tags, but again, it won’t work.

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Hi guys @johnbaluch @peter14

Thanks for reaching out. Please let us investigate then get back asap!

Best regards,
Zeroqode Team

Hi @johnbaluch @peter14

Sorry for the late reply. In order to configure the plugin, please make sure to follow the exact doc steps here and here Obtaining Google Service Account Keys - Zeroqode Documentation and please check how the key should look here zeroqode-demo-13 | Bubble Editor.

Let us know how it goes!

Best regards,
Zeroqode Team

It worked. Thank you very much. I was trying to solve the issue for long time.