Google Maps API: returns strange data via Bubble API Connector

I’ve been successfully utilizing the Google Maps API, but am running into errors when utilizing Bubble to make the calls. In Postman, the call work correctly and returns an image:

However, as soon as I copy/paste the same thing into Bubble’s API connector…the program freezes for a bit and then returns the following:

Thats a bit odd.

For your call I get …

Which is not image found image. You can use the metadata extension to check this.

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Although interestingly I am able to reproduce the behaviour in a completely different API call, where bubble is thinking that some text is an array of letters and I get the same as your post.

Hmm, very strange. Should we report a bug?

I have reported it for another issue (was trying to get some a valid JSON array into bubble but it did the same thing).

Great, hopefully they will push a fix soon.

It’s not a bug. You have to tell bubble that your getting back and image. Faced same issue when building my Google maps API plugin

Interesting, how did you tell Bubble to expect an image?

Top right hand corner where you input the URL on the API block

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See my screen shot above.