Google maps flinches upon loading

Hello! I’m using the basic google map multi-pin, and it’s flinching upon page load.

It’s supposed to load multiple pins upon page load, but it begins in New York City for a split second before it gets to where it’s supposed to go.

I once watched a tutorial where they talked about to how to fix this, but I forgot where I saw it! Any help would be much appreciated.


You could fix this temporary by ticking “is not visible on page load” and then in the workflow having “On page load” > “Add a pause” > “Show Google Map Multi Pins”, only a split second pause should show fine. You may get it to work without the pause action. just doing “On page load” > “Show Google Maps Multi Pins” as it’s literally a split second.

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Works like a charm, Tzuork!

Thanks so much for your help!

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