Google MyBusiness API is giving error when trying to connect using API connector

While connecting Google MyBusiness API , using the API connector, with OAuth2 User-Agent Flow, there is error while running the API signup. Please check the screenshot-Desktop%20screenshot .
My API connector setup image-gmb%20bubble%20%20%20Bubble%20Editor

The error is saying there hasn’t been a login to google via the app yet for the user.

To fix this, follow the ‘warning’ steps at the bottom of the API Connector screenshot.

I have created the API signup, which was required but after, running the signup workflow, I am redirected to google login screen and after completing the login , I am redirected to bubble app and get the error that is shown in first screen shot

When you logged into google, did it also ask you to confirm the scope permissions?

Neerja’s video might also help …

EDIT - might need to turn on ‘Authentication goes in the header’

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Yes it did, but then after the redirection , the error popups

I tried to turn on Authentication goes in the header but it did display the same

Also, try this for the access token …

What was the different error?

EDIT - for header key try this … Authorization: Bearer

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@Mishav can you PM me on this topic?