Hello everyone
I’m using Google OAuth 2 authorization and I face a problem.
In order for Google Auth to work it needs the URL of each page of the app (because i put the login button on a Header that is on every page of the app)
If the URL contains Web Parameters it will not work anymore…
How to fix this issue?
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Does no one have any idea?
can’t you type in something like:
*.bubbleapps.io ?
Or how does the url change, maybe you can provide two examples.
For instance, I have a Login button on List page and I’m using web parameters on that page.
When the user decides to log in Google will produce an error because in the Google OAuth I have listed the clean URL https://myapp.bubble.io/version-test/list
How to make it work even with web parameters?
Thanks for your answer
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I have the following settings and its working well:
Authorized JavaScript origins
For use with requests from a browser
Authorized redirect URIs
For use with requests from a web server
but don’t have parameters set there.
I guess its not possible from security reasons. You should work with custom states on page load here and use those variables.
With that approach you could use always the same redirecting page.
July 18, 2023, 7:21pm
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