Google SSO with URL parameters

I’m trying to set up a signup/login button with Google.
I installed Google plugin by Bubble and follow a tutorial to set up.

I noticed that the workflow doesn’t work if I have url parameters on my login page. It works without url parameters but the signup/login action doesn’t work with parameters in the login page’s url.

My problem is I’m using parameters to set state or autocomplete inputs on my login page.

Do you have any idea to fix this ?

Hi @william.jezequel,

Have you tried using the API Connector instead? I’m assuming you’re using the Bubble-built Google plugin? If so, I’d recommend filing a bug report for that.

Hello @johnny
Indeed, I’m using the official Google plugin by Bubble. I’ll try with the API connector if you think
It might works.

I reported the bug, but hope maybe someone has a solution on the forum.

Okay, I’ve found the reason and the solution to my issue. The issue was that my url parameter was called “state”. I changed it to “form” and it works.

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