Google Place autocomplete

I am trying to set-up an autocomplete search using an input and the Google Places API. I want the user to begin typing a restaurant name and have autocomplete options appear in a manner similar to this example:

Is this possible on Bubble?

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Yup this should definitely be possible…
Bubble’s plugin architecture would allow the functionality you are wanting…
You might want to check whether such a plugin exists before developing it from scratch

Do you know how to do it?

I have never needed to add this functionality in any of my apps before…but you can check out Bubble’s plugins page to see if whether a plugin exists for your use case

@shark Did you ever get this figured out?

No, do you have any insight? Would appreciate your help.

  1. Add the Google Autocomplete in API Connector
  2. Create repeating group with data source from external API

@michaelchang516 Where do I find the Google Autocomplete API? I don’t see it in the plugins.

There’s no plugin, you’ll have to add it through the API Connector Plugin like I did in the screenshots above

Another way you could do this is to use the built in Geographic Places search option (Though I think you would have less control over it than the solution above). Create a Search Box and set the Choices style to Geographic Places. When you start typing it autocompletes the search for geographic locations by name or location.


Thanks for that! Am I right that the Google Places API that is necessary for this integration is not for free?

Correct. Billing must be enabled on your Google account. However, there’s a generous credit applied each month, and so you might never actually pay anything, depending on how much the service is used. You can read about it here.

Hello I am looking to setup API Connector for Google places API autocomplete. Unfortunately I’ve searched a lot and can’t find any documentation.

Appreciate if you could help with the setup. Your screenshots give some indication but I can’t figure out what URL to put for GET and what parameters to use.

Awaiting your response. Thank you.

Hi Tom, I am trying to establish exactly the same but just can’t seem to find it. Is your inout type a dropdown or just an input? I don’t think bubble offers to search by geographic places anymore. If its not too much to ask, could you send me a snapshot how to achieve this? It is so simple but I can’t get my head around :confused:

If I get it well, nor Dropdown or input : use search Box, which can be used as an input through Workflows.

What you need is the Buuble API Connector. Then modify the API data.

What did you end up using?

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Hi Michael, did you find any resolution for this? is this autocomplete api functions?