I am building a simple listings search that filters listings based on selected amenities in the checkboxes. I don’t want to use a search button. I want the repeating group updates instantly as the amenities are selected/deselected.
Here is what I’ve done and where I got stuck.
My logic is as follows: when a checkbox is selected, the workflow updates the custom state of the search page (which is of type List of Amenities). Then the repeating group with the searched listings uses the custom state of the page to filter out listings based on the amenities list.
I created two data types:
- Amenities (Field: Amenity Name)
- Listing (Fields: Listing Name, Amenities List)
Custom state of the search page
The data source of the repeating group with filtered listings
Workflows (got stuck here)
When a checkbox is selected I want to add an amenity to the custom state of the search page by setting the custom state and get this issue
It seems to me logical that “:plus item” operator shall work here, but it doesn’t.
Where am I wrong?