I’m working on creating a group of buttons, where only ONE can be selected within that group and hitting the submit button gathers the NAME of that selected button. I’ve tried a bunch of different angles but am stuck.
Here’s a sample of what I’m thinking without any button selected
Now a button has been picked
I would like only one to be “selectable” at once within the group. So if I pick Option B it would deselect Option A and highlight Option B
Hitting Submit
I would like to be able to capture the button selected within the group’s “title”, ie. “Option A” in this case and save to the database.
Add a text custom state to the group called something like “ActiveButton”.
Then put a conditional into each button that says when this group’s ActiveButton = [this button] make background color green.
Then create workflows for when each button is clicked to set the appropriate value of [this button] to the group’s custom state.
Then create the appropriate worklfows from the submit button that says:
When this button is clicked and this group’s Activebutton is “Option A”…
When this button is clicked and this group’s Activebutton is “Option B”…
etc for each of the buttons