Has "is logged in" be renammed by "has an account"?

I just noticed this on my app right now.

I still can view my old “is logged in”, but if I copy/paste it, it become “has an account”, and “is logged in” does no longer exist in the droplist as a available condition to work with.

Am I missing something?


For any user other than the Current User, yes, it was renamed a year or two ago to better describe what it actually means.

Edit: wait… you are using Current User?…


Hi there, @bonjour_17… the is logged in operator is still an option, and as the docs mention, the has an account operator shows up when the data source is not the current user.



Oh, wait… good point, Adam… now I’m questioning what the docs mean by data source.

For what it’s worth, I just checked, and I can create a condition for Current User is logged in.

Thank both of you.

That’s weird, I’ve never seen that, and I confirm that I am playing with the Current User, and not any other User.

I’ll report that to Bubble if this behavior continues

EDIT: refreshing the page doesn’t help.

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I’m sure this has nothing to do with it, but just out of curiosity, what is the data source of that group element (I assume it’s a group based on the name)?

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This group do not have any type set. This is used just to display some stuff conditionnaly.

Too funny but I just noticed Adam has been down this road before. :slight_smile:

Might be worth filing a bug report, @bonjour_17.


The only way I can reproduce this is by first setting the conditional to some other User (such as parent group’s User): has an account

Then changing parent group’s User to Current User (at which point the expression automatically changes to Current User is Logged In)…

And then clicking on the ‘is logged in’ part of the expression again, at which point it changes to Current User Has An Account (and is logged in no longer shows up in the dropdown).

@bonjour_17 is that something you might have done?

If so, have you tried deleting the condition and adding it again (it works just fine for me).

In any case, it’s some kind of a bug (although it’s purely a visual thing, and doesn’t have any effect on functionality).


Nope, I don’t think that is something I could have done.

Anyway I cleared everything possible at the group level and in the conditional tab. Created the condition again, and nothing new, same behavior.

Here is a gif (converted from a cropped video, low quality warning)

Actually… ignore what I said above… I’m getting the exact same behaviour as you.

i.e. it initially says Is Logged In, but if you click it again it changes to has account.

So if I were you I’d just leave it as Is Logged In (don’t click it again)

note: this only occurs with the Beta Expression editor… so it’s another one of the bugs associated with that.


Thanks, “good” to know that I am not the only one with this.

Best to you