What's the purpose of Current User "is logged in"?

My understanding of Current User is that it applies to anyone browsing your app, even if they don’t have an account. Is the only purpose of this operator to denote an “active session?” If I want to actually put a condition for “users who have signed up,” would that require using a Role field instead (e.g., only when Current User is Active)?

You are correct, but ‘is Logged In’ specifically means they do have an account and have actually logged in.


Is there documentation about this?

Edit: In case someone sees this thread in the future and is confused like I was:

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This isn’t very descriptive.

…is logged in

Returns yes when the current user is logged in.

Do you vouch for what @msgiblin said?

Yes… it’s simple…

If the current User is logged, then the expression ‘Current User is logged in’ will return true.

If they are not logged in, then it will return False.

Im not sure how much more descriptive it could be?..


A first time user browsing your app is also technically a “Current user” and they are also technically “logged in” (workflow actions using Current user will still work even if they don’t have an account), that’s why I’m asking. Confusingly, years ago they mentioned changing the language to “Current user is Signed Up,” but I guess they reverted this change?

Bubble Language Change: the “is logged in” condition for a User will now be “is signed up” - Announcements - Bubble Forum

Seems like they went ahead with this proposal. Not sure why it’s hidden in a forum post instead of in the manual:

That’s incorrect.

Seems like they went ahead with this proposal. Not sure why it’s hidden in a forum post instead of in the manual:

‘Current User is logged’ in and ‘User has an account’ (which is what those forum posts are referring to) are 2 different things.

It’s not possible to tell whether a User, other than the Current User is logged in or not. That only applies to the Current User.

For all other Users ‘Has an account’ will return true if that User has an account.

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This cleared it up, you’re right:

Signed up users

If a user has signed up to Bubble, a permanent entry is created in the database using this email and password. The value of Current user is logged in will return yes.

Data Sources | Bubble Docs

What was confusing me was this section:

The temporary user behaves like a signed-up user, in the sense that you can modify them, and it will be saved to the application database. Imagine you have a workflow that asks a user for their age before they sign up and saves it to the ‘Current user’. If the user effectively signs up within three days, the permanent user that will be created then will have the same ‘age’.


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