[HEEEELP PLEASE] API paging in repeater group

Hi everyone,

I need help with API pagination. Before anything else, I would like to ask that if possible, we use the forum messages to discuss this. Sometimes I receive messages from people who want to help, asking me to schedule a call. I know that would be the best scenario, but since I don’t speak English, I always use the translator to speak here.

I am using the SportMonks Statistics API. However, they have a lot of data and of course there is pagination. I have already noticed that regardless of the endpoint I use, they have a structure that always brings this information in data:

Pagination count shows the number of pages that this API call has, pagination per page shows how many records there are per page, pagination current page gives the position of the current page, pagination next page shows the full link of the endpoint with the next page, pagination has more is a boolean that says yes if there are still pages in the call and no when these pages end.

Even after reading the API documentation on pagination (Pagination | API 3.0), I couldn’t understand how I can make a repeating group read all the pages of the call in bubble.
Could someone help me?

The repeating group will show just the results of that particular page. Not all the results. Is that what you are trying to achieve?

I would like the repeater group to moat all pages of the API call. However, it only shows the first page of the call.

I have not gone through the docs in detail, but it looks like you need to set up the API call to expect a parameter of page number.

You could set up a url parameter to help with this.
For testing purposes add a button to go to current page with a page parameter of “current page parameter + 1”